Decorative Kunst ( L'Art Decoratif ) - Julius Meier-Graefe
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Decorative Kunst ( L'Art Decoratif ) - Julius Meier-Graefe
Decorative Kunst - L'Art Decoratif
Julius Meier-Graefe (La Maison Moderne) et Hugo Bruckman
F. Bruckmann A.-G. Munchen
Deutsche Ausgabe: October 1897 - 1929
Unter diesen beiden Titeln gab der wohl einflussreichste Vermittler, Julius Meier-Graefe, zwischen deutscher und franzosischer Kunst um die Jahrhundertwende Zeitschriften heraus, jeweils unterstatzt von Henry van de Velde, mit denen er dem Publikum beider LÃnder seine Vision von "moderner Kunst" plausibel machen wollte.
Dekorative Kunst - Deutsche Ausgabe
This magazine gave considerable coverage to the work of leading European designers, including Ashbee, Benson, Endell, Morris, and van de Velde. Although he mixed in artistic circles in Berlin, Meier-Graefe was also well acquainted with many designers including Morris and Aubrey Beardsley, whom he met on a visit to England in 1893, Samuel Bing, and van de Velde, whom he met on visits to Paris and Brussels in 1895. In its early years Meier-Graefe (under a pseudonym) wrote a high proportion of the articles in Dekorative Kunst, although from around 1905 he began to distance himself from such practices.
L'Art Décoratif - version française
Premiere version française ; 1898
Revue Mensuelle d'Art Contemporain - Revue Internationale D'Art Industriel et de Décoration
I have several covers and it seems that the printer "changed house" often :
82, Rue des Petits-Champs, Paris
95, Rue des Petits-Champs, Paris
24, Rue Saint-Agustin, Paris
125, Galerie de Valois, Paris
37, Rue Pergolese, Paris
Agence pour la Belgique: V Monnom, 32, R. de l'Industrie, Bruxelles
Prix L'Art Decoratif en 1899:
Le numero = 2 FFR
1 an = 20 FFR
6 mois = 10 FFR
Plakat 'Dekorative Kunst', 1899 - Georges Lemmen (1865 - 1916)
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