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Edouard Diot glass cabinet

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Edouard Diot glass cabinet Empty Edouard Diot glass cabinet

Post  daum Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:26 am

Dear forum members,

I am the proud owner of a beautiful glass cabinet made by Edouard Diot. Unfortunately it does not fit in my new home so I have come to the conclusion and realisation regrettably, that it is better off in someone else's home. Who can advise me the best place where I can sell it. I am looking for something for the real art nouveau lovers who will appreciate this beautiful piece. Kind regards Daum


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-03-13

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Edouard Diot glass cabinet Empty Edouard Diot glass cabinet

Post  stella Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:04 pm

Hello Daum,

I have send you an e-mail with my e-mailaddress. Please send me some photos and I am sure we can find a good address for your Edouard Diot glass cabinet.



Posts : 88
Join date : 2008-02-10

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