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Table Lamp Flying Lady - Peter Behrens - Reproductions

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Table Lamp Flying Lady - Peter Behrens - Reproductions Empty Table Lamp Flying Lady - Peter Behrens - Reproductions

Post  stella Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:24 pm

Table Lamp Flying Lady - Peter Behrens

The solid brass lamp, called the "flying lady," was designed by artist and architect Peter Behrens in 1902, one of the most important German designers of the 20th century. Behrens built his first house on the Mathildenhöhe, the artists' colony founded in Darmstadt in 1899, where he fully conceived everything inside the house, complete with all its furniture and accessories, including this extraordinary lamp. The house formed the centerpiece of an exhibition held at Darmstadt in 1901 called Ein Dokument Deutscher Kunst ("A Record of German Art"). His seminal works would exert a paramount influence on generations to come in all the various fields of design. Behrens can be said to have single-handedly invented modern objective industrial architecture and modern industrial design. His Flying Lady Desk Lamp weighs 40 pounds, stands an imposing 28.5-inches tall, 17-inches wide, with a depth of 20-inches, complete with three light sockets and pull-chains for on/ off switch, allowing light bulbs to work independently; the shade is handcrafted of genuine Meyda Tiffany art glass.
Table Lamp Flying Lady - Peter Behrens - Reproductions A3-23911

Um die Jahrhundertwende gehörte Peter Behrens zu den führenden Jugendstilkünstlern. Mit diesem Meisterwerk gelang ihm eine der berühmtesten Lichtskulpturen seiner Zeit. Das Original befindet sich in der Großherzoglich Hessischen Privatsammlung, Darmstadt. Reduktion. Lampenfuß aus patinierter Bronze, gegossen im Wachsausschmelzverfahren. Von Hand zusammengesetzter Schirm mit 54 Art Glas-Elementen. Höhe 38 cm, Schirmdurchmesser 30 cm. Mit 1 Fassungen E27 für max. 60 Watt. Kippschalter.


* The F!nd

* Pianki
Table Lamp Flying Lady - Peter Behrens - Reproductions A3-23910


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Join date : 2008-02-10

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