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Charles Rennie Mackintosh - stall design for the Glasgow International Exhibition

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Charles Rennie Mackintosh - stall design for the Glasgow International Exhibition Empty Charles Rennie Mackintosh - stall design for the Glasgow International Exhibition

Post  stella Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:32 pm

Stall, designed by Charles R. Mackintosh: Throughout the interior of the Grand Hall and Avenue are to be found a number of stalls, whose designers have displayed both skill and originality in breaking away from the gingerbread showcase style of design which has hitherto been considered elegant and appropriate by exhibitors at such exhibitions; and this may be accepted as a happy augury of the closer relations that may be expected to exist between Art and Commerce in the new century (page 47 quote from page 48 )

'Glasgow International Exhibition' in Studio Vol. 23 1901: Sp Coll P.A.A. f197

Charles Rennie Mackintosh - stall design for the Glasgow International Exhibition Paaf1910


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