Art Nouveau
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Anthony "Tony" SELMERSHEIM 1871-1971 - Charles PLUMET 1861-1928

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Anthony "Tony" SELMERSHEIM 1871-1971 - Charles PLUMET 1861-1928 Empty Charles Plumet (1861-1928), Tony Selmersheim (1871-1971) et l'Art dans Tout : un mobilier rationnel pour un "art social"

Post  stella Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:17 pm

Titre du document / Document title
Charles Plumet (1861-1928), Tony Selmersheim (1871-1971) et l'Art dans Tout : un mobilier rationnel pour un "art social" = Charles Plumet (1861-1928), Tony Selmersheim (1871-1971) and l'Art dans Tout: rationalist furniture for an "art social"

Auteur(s) / Author(s)

Résumé / Abstract
The family archives of Tony Selmersheim and the Archives nationales have documents that are indispensable for the reconstitution of the activity of the company Plumet & Selmersheim and also for the understanding of the rationalist current (trend) in the Art Nouveau movement of which the architect Plumet and the decorator Selmersheim are representatives. Photographs, drawings and papers which belonged to Tony Selmersheim allow us to know the numerous interior decorations and pieces of furniture produced by him with his partner, the architect Charles Plumet, between 1893 and 1904,- ensembles which have, for the most part, today disappeared. The activity of these two artists comes within the framework of the l'Art dans Tout group, which, between 1893 and 1904, organised exhibitions of decorative arts in Paris, at the Galerie des Artistes modernes. Plumet and Selmersheim showed their creations accompanied by wall-hangings and wall-paper by Félix Aubert, objets d'art by Alexandre Charpentier, Jean Dampt, Henry Nocq and Jules Desbois and furniture by Henri Sauvage and Louis Sorel. Rational and sober, partly manufactured by mechanical means and constituting series, the furnishings of Plumet and Selmersheim were intended to please a bourgeois clientele which, until then, had preferred pastiches of ancient furniture. The same clientele was targeted with the building of 36, rue de Tocqueville (Paris, 17th arrondissement) conceived by Plumet to which Selmersheim, Aubert, Charpentier, and perhaps Dampt, contributed. Much more ambitious, the project of the Foyer moderne, proposed by the ensemble of l'Art dans Tout to the Ville de Paris for the Exposition universelle of 1900, is detailed in a text of which Plumet is probably the author. True "manifesto" for a "social art", these pages, found in the Archives nationales, have been transcribed in extenso as an annexe to the article. They owe much to the ideal of the committed artist advocated by William Morris and popularized in France by the poet Jean Lahor and the critic Gabriel Mourey. The failure of the Foyer moderne (it was never built), the dissolution of the group in 1901 and, a little later, that of the company Plumet & Selmersheim, attest the failure of the idea of a "modern" and "social" decorative art advocated by the Art nouveau movement in France.

Revue / Journal Title
Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de l'art français ISSN 0301-4126

Source / Source
2001, pp. 351-387 [37 page(s) (article)]

Langue / Language

Revue : Multilingue

Editeur / Publisher
Société de l'histoire de l'art français, Paris, FRANCE (1907) (Revue)

Localisation / Location
INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 7229, 35400011843977.0130

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Join date : 2008-02-10

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